
Read this article about Starbucks and problems with mis-directed brand admiration assumptions and consumer-relations/PR initiatives.  We will discuss this in class.


What is the Ansoff Matrix?

Marketing tools

Hi guys! Here is an interesting link for getting some basic info in English about marketing. Have fun taking a look!

Marketing Teacher


All the best!


B2 exam material Jan 2016

Hi guys! I have uploaded the material for the Jan 2016 exam for B2. B1 will follow as soon as I can scan it. (Next week?)

All the best!



Make up lessons

Good morning everyone! I will not be in Italy during the week of the 17th to the 21st, so those classes I miss will be taught next Monday and Tuesday (10 and 11 Nov.) at the following times in the following places:

Data: Lunedì 10-Novembre-2014
9-11 Inglese B1a (LIN-AZ) Dipartimento Aula B [Ist_Lingue] lezione Recupero
11-13 Inglese B1b (LIN-AZ) Dipartimento Aula B [Ist_Lingue] lezione Recupero
14-16 Inglese B1c/d (LIN-AZ) Dipartimento Aula C [Ist_Lingue] lezione Recupero
Data: Martedì 11-Novembre-2014
11-13 Inglese B2a (LIN-AZ) Dipartimento Aula B [Ist_Lingue] lezione Recupero
15-17 Inglese B2b (LIN-AZ) Dipartimento Aula B [Ist_Lingue] lezione Recupero
17-19 Inglese B2c/d (LIN-AZ) Dipartimento Aula B [Ist_Lingue] lezione Recupero

Good morning everyone!!!! WE all get started again next week! EXCELLENT STUFF!!!! After the discussions and tribulations of this summer, we are going to do a few things differently this year! It should be a GREAT YEAR!!!

First – we are making available to students course syllabii! A syllabus is a week by week plan of what the course intends to do and how it should accomplish these goals.  You can find my syllabi on the RESOURCES page.

In the first year – we will be dealing with the psychology of learning and memory and how these affect cultures etc.

In the second year – we will be doing marketing.  With a little luck and a little more time, we will be working with a company to produce an effective marketing plan for that company – to present to them in May.  This will require group work and coordination, and you should learn a lot about both English and marketing from the process. I owe the idea for this approach to the work that Barbara Francioni has been doing with Villanova University over the past few years.  I think it is fundamental to bring something “real” into the classroom. It will be a lot of work for everyone, but I think it will help us all build our skills. I can’t wait to get started!

All the best to you all! I hope you got some rest over the summer, because it is going to be a busy year!!!!


exam material sept.

Good morning everyone! The readings for the September exam, should you desire to do them, have been posted to the page “written exam resources”.

I hope your all having a great summer!

All the best to everyone!


Oral exam resources

Good afternoon guys!

I have added the page “Oral Exam Resources” to this blog, to act as a resource list for first year (B1) students taking the Lin-Az, Laz, CL4 oral exam. There is no text book for the exam, but choose 4 of the articles published under the 6 categories, read it, and prepare to talk about that subject. Remember, the “accertamento linguistico” is about SPEAKING and CONVERSING, it is not strictly about content. Choose something you’re interested in! 😀 We may update the resource list over the next few weeks, but this should get you started. Have fun!!!
